
【Residents of Japan Only】Sales of “Toro Ticket” for Late Autumn

Thank you for traveling with us!


As you may know, Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus is the only trolley bus left that still runs in Japan.

However, this year, 2024 will be the final year of operation for the Trolley Bus.

To commemorate its final operation, we would like to offer you special discount tickets called “Toro Ticket” valid from Nov. 5 to 29.

If you live in Japan (the registered address for WEB Ticket has to be in Japan), you can purchase this ticket.

Please check the details as below.


◎ Details of Toro Ticket

1.What’s “Toro Ticket”?

Toro Ticket is a discount ticket for designated period, traveling sections and time. **The number of tickets is limited.**

*This item is only for residents of Japan (either Japanese or non-Japanese) and available only on the WEB Ticket page.

*The number of the tickets is limited and no additional sale planned.


2.Sales Period, Usage Period, and Departure Time

Sales Period: 3:00pm on October 4th to 3:00pm on November 19th

Usage Period: November 5th to 29th

Departure Time: Depart from Ogizawa  10:30 or 11:30

*Only 2 departures as above are available for this item.


3.Traveling Sections and Fare

See the designated traveling section and fare as below.


〔 Ogizawa ⇔ Murodo(Round-Trip)〕

Adult:  12,300JPY →    10,600JPY

Child:     6,150JPY  →       5,300JPY


4.How to Purchase

Available only on “Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route WEB Ticket”


5.Cancellation Policy

Cancellation fee of 1,000JPY will be applied if you cancelled after 3:00pm, 10 days before departure.

For example, if you purchased a Toro Ticket for November 5th…

(1) No cancellation fee will be applied if cancelled by 3pm, October 26th.

(2) 1,000JPY of cancellation fee will be applied if cancelled after 3pm, October 26th.



How to purchase option tickets for express and local buses

-Tickets are valid for 5 days.

-This is a discount ticket, so we cannot accept customer request for changing traveling sections at a ticket counter.

-If you want a standard WEB Ticket, check out 【WEB Ticket】Sales of WEB Ticket Reservation for Late Autumn (Nov. 5 to 29)


We look forward to your booking!


**To fully enjoy the final ride of Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus, we will hold some exciting events! Click here for details (Japanese only).**