

  • Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
  • 保安上の理由および自然保護の観点から、立山黒部アルペンルートの管理施設(駅、ホテル、イベント会場等)周辺でのドローンの使用はご遠慮ください。(特別な許可を受けた場合を除く)


    [環境省]2022年03月01日 国立公園内におけるドローンの使用について【注意喚起】 
    For security reasons and from the viewpoint of nature conservation, please refrain from using drones in the vicinity of Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route managed facilities (stations, hotels, event venues, etc.). (except with special permission).
    *If the use of a drone causes significant inconvenience to other national park users, if the drone falls or crashes and damages wildlife, or if a fallen drone is left unattended without being retrieved, etc.In such cases, the drone may be deemed to be in violation of the Natural Parks Act or the National Parks Group Facility District Management Regulations, and penalties may be applied or necessary measures (such as restoration to its original state) may be ordered.